“Coming home to our roots through cyclical living"
39 Expert Speakers Sharing Their Methods
on Expanding our Conscious Awareness
through Cyclical Living
This Summit will embody what it means to be living life in a cyclical way. Beyond the realm of the linear which often leads to burnout, steep crashes and unrealistic expectations of productivity, we choose another way. We choose the sacred path of the cycle, the spiral of the feminine energy. In this model, we allow conscious rest, recycle and compost to take place within our lives, businesses and environments. This means we can create REGENERATIVE lifestyles that not only support us, but are sustainable too.
As a cyclical living weaver, moon cycle tender and ceremonial space holder, I am committed to help other women and healers, uplevel their lives and feel empowered to do so!
I have hand selected 39 women speakers to share in their life's journey of cyclical living and how that's woven into the sacred work they share. These women share topics that range from plant medicines + microdosing, sacred birth work, herbalism, song weaving, moon cycle awareness, and allyship through seasonal living!
The Conscious Uplevel Summit is jammed pack with information!
It would be a pleasure to have you join us for the
All Access Pass on sale for $33 originally $99
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2021 Conscious Uplevel Summit
The first launch of the Conscious Uplevel Summit was over the Summer Solstice in June 2021. There were many different speakers between the two years so far and you're able to access these talks for $33 right now!
All videos are accessible through a private Vimeo link and passcode. If you would like to have access to all of these speakers, you can buy 2021 CUS below.
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