Hi there!
I go by Breta, with a long e.
It all began after hearing, feeling, seeing the vision to fly to Bali to become a Yoga teacher. It was such a profound vision that I listened and trusted what was to unfold for me. After studying 500 hours of Hatha yoga professionally, I came to learn the subtle realms of energy through Self-study, Svadhyaya. I learned through Inner exploration of Self, that intuition is our strongest ally, that the body speaks its own language and it's up to me to listen, and that I aligned with my soul + heart's desires all was going to unfold beautifully for me. This doesn't mean I didn't go through periods of darkness first and actually I am huge proponent to study and investigate the workings of childhood, the mind and the body. Moving through these blocks has allowed me much growth over the years. Read on for more and thank you for being here with me!
I'll start here, a few years ago I came to a point in my own life where I was disconnected from my body, out of alignment with my soul and stressed out. I ended up losing my sacred Moon Cycle. This created a loss of rhythm within myself, so I set out with intention to shift my environment and headed West. Within two weeks of moving, my sacred waters returned and I dove deeply into a healing journey of my Moon Cycle.
Along this path I found, what is now, Soul Work, a Yoga training in the heart of the Costa Rican jungles, where I met Sisters who were sharing blood mysteries, womyn's studies and how to live an empowered and full life.
From that moment, I knew my life had been leading me to share Moon Cycle wisdom, midwifing through transformation and cyclical living with womyn who are seeking within themselves, something that their hearts and souls are pulling them towards.
Through much devotion and dedication of unraveling and peeling back layers to reveal my true essence, I find myself here, sharing with each of you beautiful Sisters. There is a beautiful and full way in which us, womyn, can express our deepest desires. We can show up, lead the way, and birth the New Earth that is being anchored into being.
It has taken effort, time, gentleness and forgiveness to release conditionings, systemic oppressions, traumas and stories that I had once known. Through unraveling and becoming my authentic Wise and Wild Womyn, I see what once was. A shedding of skin, a rising from the ashes, a rebirth in this form.
Yoga, Moon Cycle Wisdom and Sacred Ritual + Ceremony have woven their way into my life. It is with deep reciprocity and understanding that we are One of the Earth, here to celebrate in Her abundance, to weave her stories and to share her unseen poetry.
My dreams are manifesting and with acute visualization I fully believe all my heart desires in this life will come to fruition. Some things in my sphere that I am working towards right now are looking into clinical herbal programs, so that I may guide womyn to herbs for ailments within the body, mind and spirit realms. I have seen myself as a radical birth keeper for many years and as it goes, one step at a time. I plan to study the way in which physiologically led birth can provide a womyn understanding to birth in her power, without fear, negligence and misogyny found with the western medicalized standards. My dream is to hold space for each birthing womyn to be fully in her power, to be seen, to be supported, to be loved, tended to and cared for. With heavy emphasis in postpartum care, I one day see myself with new mama's and supporting them in ways that best fits each family!
So, as my life continues to unfold I offer my support and guidance as a mentor. I have experienced the dark night of the soul, treaded in deep waters of myself, and befriended my shadows. The work will always be here, this I know. I offer my hand to you, Sister, so we can walk each other home to our true nature- Wild, Wise, Womyn!
xx, Breta