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Imbolc, Remembering the Light

Moving from the deep darkness of winter to the early signs of spring, we welcome this turn on the Great Wheel of the Year into Imbolc.

If you're new here, I share the Wheel of the Year from the Celtic & Pagan roots of Earth based worship. A deep remembering that the Earth provides us with continual abundance, especially when we celebrate the seasons. We give our time and attention to these potent turns on the Great Wheel of the Year, so we may remember our roots and honor the gifts in front of us. It's one way to give back to our original Earth Mother.

Willow buds on Imbolc

You may begin to notice the first signs of spring peaking through. First on the willow branches, buds wrapped in resin, or even slowly emerging with their fluffy buds opening. This remembrance willow shows us that the light is indeed growing longer each day and soon, to equal night/day at the equinox. Nature has been and will always be the mirror we need in our lives.

As you remember the light within your own Inner world, you can look forward to what the expansive half of the year has in store for you. It's also a wonderful time to tend to the seeds of intention as well. If these seeds haven't been visited in a while, begin to nurture them with love and see which ones will bud this spring. Some may surprise you and others, naturally, have been there all along.

Simple Practices to Connect with Imbolc

  • Bring white candles to your altar signifying purity and the light returning; green candles for the fresh burst of life that is beginning to bud. Light these candles over the next six weeks with the intention that you are remembering the light within!

  • Meditate for 15 minutes focusing on a candle light within your heart. Here, any areas that may have had cobwebs in your heart-space can be shown the light as well. Then, ask yourself where you desire to open into these coming weeks before spring equinox. Where are the snippets of light coming through for you in the stillness?

  • Go on a nature walk near a creek, pond, or river and sit next to the willow trees. You may even sit or lie down and close your eyes as you focus on their energy. Do you also observe the buds on the branches?

May these first signs of spring bring you blessings.

May you recognize areas that need tending to.

May you align with the light in all your maneuvers, remembering the light is here for our greater expansion.

May the light shine upon you and warm you from the inside out.

Happy Imbolc friends!

Xo, Breta

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