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Imbolc + Goddess Brigid

Writer's picture: BrētaBrēta

Updated: Apr 19, 2020

I have been enjoying the extra bits of sunlight that have been seeping through these days. The days are still short and yet, the feeling of spring lies on the horizon. Imbolc is the exact midway between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. The powerful Goddess Brigid brings her fierce energy to keep the internal fire alive. A Goddess in the Celtic and Gaelic traditions she is most known to be the tender of the mid-winter's fire. When food sources were scarce, she would keep the internal fire, willpower and drive alive. Stories of Brigid say that if a family was low or out of butter, a precious food source, there would be an abundance of butter the next day. She kept the will to survive alive during the long nights of winter. Once Imbolc arrives, we receive the affirmations that longer days are certainly here and more light is to rise on the horizon. Then, we can begin to feel into the next phase of tending our Inner world by stepping outwardly towards Spring.

With Winter Solstice being the darkest day of the year, for those in the Northern Hemisphere, we begin a new Sun cycle. Seeds are planted with careful intention of what we would like to see come to fruition. Now, at Imbolc, it is important to refine these creative energies by watering the seeds we have been guided towards. This is the time to sit with your own internal drive, fire and willpower to become clear on what it is your heart and soul are guiding you to the most. Often times, the heart center feels expansive when you are being guided to your Highest Self. Remember, when we seek and ask for what our heart desires, so too the butter shall arrive in abundance!

Create an Imbolc, Goddess Brigid Ceremony

You can tune into this Sun cycle energy by carving out space for a ceremony of your own, to tend your Inner fire.

First, cleanse your space using sound bowls, smudge bundles, and/or song. Cultivating Sacred space is to bring your full intention, presence and awareness forth for your ceremonyl. Honor that you are bringing forth your whole being to be present to receive.

  • Light a candle with the intention of calling forth Goddess Brigid

  • You may recite an affirmation or sacred blessing before you begin. An example could be -

"Divine Love Light Eternal, may you open my vessel to receive blessings of Goddess Brigid. Brigid, I invoke you in this space, will you please guide me forward, cleanse my impurities, light my internal fire and reveal the light in which my heart and soul desire. I allow myself to receive your eternal energy now."
  • Cultivate your breath through deep breathing or another form you like for a few minutes

  • Guide your heart to open by focusing your awareness in the center of your chest

  • As the mind stills, open to receive Goddess Brigid and any messages that are brought to you. Allow your imagination to guide you on your ceremonial journey with Brigid. Remember that whatever arrives, you have opened the container for the Goddess, and she will bring you information through imagination to show you the internal fire, drive and desires to keep moving forward with!

  • When you feel you have received fully, recite this closing prayer -

"Thank you Goddess Brigid for your presence today. I will use your loving energy to ignite my dreams and spark deeper intentions, so that I may grow towards my Highest Self."

  • You can now blow out your candle and end your ceremony. If you feel called to sing, dance, play music, invite your creative energy into existence and feel into this flow.

Celebrating Goddess Brigid and Imbolc is a wonderful time of remembrance that more light is coming. That our dreams and desires are building as well! May you receive exactly the medicine you are seeking. Blessings, sweet ones!

xoxo Chelsey Breta

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