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Writer's pictureBrēta

Midsummer, Summer Solstice

The height of light is at its most full point in the sky. Can you feel the extra energy around you? When we think of Summer, often times hot days, bodies of water and cooling refreshments come to mind. And it is so, the longest day of the year is graced upon us during Summer Solstice.

When Grandfather Sun shines his light so brightly we are able to rejoice. We all seem to love the light, the free-flowing and easy ways of being in summertime. Let's rejoice in the magnificence of the fire ball in the sky, that pours down on all of life. Gardens are growing bigger by the day, herbs and medicine becoming aplenty, and our Spirits bright with joy.

During midsummer, Fire is one of the elements present as a lot of heat shows up during these days. Yet, there is a union of the Water here that joins the Fire. When the heat gets to be too much for all living beings, there is nothing more refreshing than a dip in the water, a splash upon our faces and a watering of our gardens. You see, Water and Fire work together in a harmonious balance for all of life to thrive.

By simply honoring this day and getting outside, hopefully next to water we can bring forth celebration and gratitude for all that is good in our lives! Below is a Summer Solstice ceremony that you can use to ground, bring gratitude and joy to this day!

Summer Solstice Ceremony

This ceremony is best done outside in nature, where you can have an undisturbed space to yourself or with other sacred sisters to join in with you. In the celebratory way of honoring the longest day of light you will need -

  • an alter set up that could include, a linen, divination tools, talisman, oracle cards, ancestors, or memorial pieces

  • a candle to represent light and fire

  • a bowl of water or better yet, sit near a body of water

  • a journal for your intentions and gratitude list

  • incense/smudge tool for clearing your space

Wherever you choose to open ceremony, know that it is perfect as it is. Try to gain access to water and sunshine for this ceremony, as we are calling in the union and balance of the fire and water. Set up your alter space first with your candle and bowl of water in the middle.

You may even sing a sweet melody that comes to mind during this time. Use your own sound/voice to set the tone for the space. Speak into existence what you'd like to share for your ceremony!

Light the candle and smudge your space to clear energy around your being. Then call to the elements and say aloud,

"Beloved element of Air, direction of the East, I _______, ask to realign with focus, clarity and protection. May you redirect me with Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sky."

'Beloved element of Earth, direction of the South, I ______, ask to realign with grounding energy, strength, and knowledge of the elders. May you redirect me to Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sky.'

"Beloved element of Water, direction of the West, I ______, ask to realign with my emotions, intuition, spirituality and the dreamtime realm. May you redirect me with Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sky."

"Beloved element of Fire, direction of the North, I ______, ask to realign with passion, fertility, change and light. May you redirect me with Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sky."

Next, begin to drop into a simple breath + body awareness meditation. Absorb the sounds of nature around you. Feel into your breath and body. Feel the movement of life within you. When you feel grounded and centered, softly open your eyes.

Reach for your journal and write a list of gratitude. Stay open minded and allow the pen to flow with the abundance of gratitudes you have during this longest day of light. You may surprise yourself at how many you can acquire.

What has shown up for you since Winter Solstice? What has come into fruition that you had been asking for or something that has surprised you? Where have you grown from? What have you brought healing energy into? How can you bring celebratory energy into this moment by honoring your growth?

*If you have oracle cards, ask specific questions about the rest of the year, about present situations you may need clarity on, or a general overview for this day.

Allow yourself to flow with the energies that arise. You may find yourself dancing, singing and celebrating too!

Once you have given yourself ample amount of time to be with yourself, it is time to close down your ceremony. Again, you can repeat aloud,

"Thank you elements and directions for realigning me and redirecting me back to my heart and my truth. I go back into the world with ease, grace and a better understanding of this sacred turn of the wheel. May I use the medicine provided and carry with me only what serves the highest good of myself and others. May I carry this light of fire and the coolness of water to balance all areas of my life. Thank you for your presence.

So it is, so mote it be x3"

Dear sisters, may you feel the warmth of this light and the love of your Summer solstice celebration throughout the rest of summer. Enjoy yourself!

xx, Chelsey Breta Moon

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