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Together, we dive in to see how Spirit shows up for you in life. We begin with Three Core Spirals and watch how they interact with one another in synchronicity, creating a newly woven fabric of life in THE ART OF FLOW, for Women Entrepreneurs. 

If the weave that has been created does not serve, go back to the loom and start over. Undo the the spiral. By starting with a fresh approach through the THE ART OF FLOW a brand new fabric can be weaved. The undoing of the programming and conditioning of society is one of great work, especially when it comes to business. For decades, men and capitalism have ruled all business, but what I offer you is a cyclical way for the feminine spirit to do business in a new way.  I see you wild woman! The yearning to Rise under the Moon's light and howl with her, celebrating your wins, then when she grows darks to come home into reflection of the heart and sit at the loom again and again. You, my dear Sister, have always known this way of being, deep within your bones, within your womb.


There is ancient wisdom in the DNA of humans, reminding  us that we can shift our perceived perspective. That when we turn back to our Mother Earth and Father Sky, when we show reverence and honor for all we have in front of us, we become One with the Universe. Through ceremony and ritual we come home to this ancient wisdom of our Inner Knowing guidance system.


 These spirals are designed to have a holistic approach to understand that there are always many layers at play to weave into the fabric of life. When all Three Core Spirals are woven together, new pathways are formed. These pathways lead to transformation, new opportunities and open up synchronicity for Spirit to work for you in the areas of your growing business. 


Yoga is union with the Divine experienced as a whole physical embodiment. When moving through ancient yoga practices, you will begin to awaken areas of the body, mind and Spirit that may have been dormant. Through integration of the chakras, the subtle energy body, you will see clarity and transformation arise. There are many practices within Yoga other than asana. Pranayama will be a major focus for this Yoga Spiral. We will create the space to see which practices are best suited for your experience. Yoga philosophy is rooted in the core of this spiral. 

When Yoga is applied, stagnant energy is moved through and out the body via the breath. Limiting beliefs, especially regarding your business, are released in movement and dedicated practice.


Why I offer Three Core Spirals

Transformational Coaching 



As womyn who bleed there has been much mis-leading information about how our bodies work. How exactly does our moon (menstrual) cycle affect our energy levels and how we show up in the world. This Moon Cycle Spiral will give you all the information you need to know about your own moon cycle. It will be an in depth arena to explore, that allows you to feel whole and connected to your body once again. Coming home to this sacred cycle reminds you of the power you have to create and expand, and when to rest and listen.

When a true honoring of the knowledge of your Moon Cycle takes place you can better understand your energy levels throughout the month. This means you will create and do business on your own internal, cyclical clock. No more following a linear ladder to reach success, rather a circle that self renews each month. 



Coming home to the heart is to remember "Who Am I?" With the cultivation of  Sacred Ceremony and Ritual Spiral one begins to remember ancient codes awakening in thy being. Creating these sacred moments during your day allow for you to connect back in with your Spirit and Divine guides. Think of this as the daily ritual reset for your Spirit and a mental check in to see where your energy is for the day.  This includes building your own sacred daily ritual and creating or joining in sacred ceremony under Grandmother Moon. 

When a ritual practice is cultivated a foundation is built. From this grounded space, you can move forward in your business, knowing you are holistically approaching all aspects with an Innerstanding of yourself and your community.



This program is for YOU if ... 


  • You are ready to birth your next creation whether with a brand new business or an established one. 


  • You are ready to flow with all of life. To feel the alignment of your heart and soul's desires


  • You are ready to take charge of your Sacred Moon Cycle and aren't sure where to start. You seek to know your own rhythm more deeply, past the illusions of black and white.


  • You are seeking to know your energy flow throughout your Moon Cycle and how to incorporate the right energy level of movement during the month. Yoga for the Moon Cycles is shared with you during our time together. 


  • You know you have gifts ready to be unlocked; and feel blocked or stuck. Yoga, union with Divine energy, is taught so you can Self-study, with guided instructions from Chelsey Breta on how to move work on these layers built around the heart, blocking you from your True Abundance!


  • You want to deep dive into the Chakra System through a subtle energy lens. What is beyond the veil? How can you access your own energy to see what may be out of alignment. This also helps open intuitive abilities!


  • You see womyn creating sacred ritual and ceremony and are not sure where to start.


  • You are tired of having NO time for yourself and want to create Self-care to be a top priority in your life. Through simple Ayurveda practices you can tap into this unending love and compassion for yourself! YOU ARE THE MOST SACRED BEING!


  • You hear the SACRED YES energy within, ready and eager to come home to your Heart, Soul and Truth!





"Thank you, Breta, for your wonderful Yoga and Accountability series. I found it to be a wonderful way for me to reconnect to my Self through my breath, my body and my other senses in an incredibly creative way. Your gentle nature and expertise put me at ease when I struggled to keep up or had difficulty with a certain pose. I always felt nourished and held by you every week, which encouraged me to keep attending. I look forward to your next offering."  



Thank you so much Breta 💓 I can't tell you how much this process has changed who I see when I look in the mirror and my ability to create shifts. I feel so much more self-acceptance, awareness and trust than I ever have before. Working with you has helped me focus on myself, heal, and create a whole new vision for my life. I'm doing things in my life I always wanted to do but never thought I would, including running!! Learning how to celebrate my wins has allowed me to shift my perspective on myself and how my days are. Instead of allowing a difficult hour define an entire day, I've been able to shift and see the day in it's entirety, resulting in so much more joy in my life.  Your wisdom and guidance is truly life changing! Thank you so much for all of your time, energy, support and encouragement. 💜




Sister, I offer THE ART OF FLOW  for you because these have been tools along my inner journey of BECOMING the woman I yearned to be. I have found that this information was traditionally passed along from our elders, especially in tribal times. Now, though, we live in a colonized society that has gone away from tribal connection where information received is fragmented and comes from various sources that may not reside in Truth. I have personally sat in circle and trainings remembering these ancient codes of the Divine Feminine to share with you. You see, we need collaboration and support in order to grow into our Highest Self. We need these practices now, more than ever, to align with Spirit and move forward from the heart space!


This is specifically how I run my business of Moon Rise Yoga. For many years now, I have cycled with the seasons and with the moon to better understand when the right times are for me to rest and listen, or to launch and expand. It is different for everyone and I help to guide you to your own unique rhythm and cycle.


Do you feel the knowing in your bones that calls for further discovery of your Inner Being? Are you yearning for your own wholeness of BECOMING? If you hear and feel the Sacred YES, please inquire below to learn how we can work together.  *We will first schedule a Connect Call to make sure that our energies are in alignment and we both feel intuitively called to work together in Sisterhood.


I see you, I hear you, I love you, 

xx, Chelsey Breta Moon

Please Note

THE ART OF FLOW  is designed to assist you in BECOMING the wild womyn at your core. If you are experiencing severe depression or your mental health is out of balance, I highly encourage you to seek Professional Therapy* help. From a stable foundation THE ART OF FLOW carries you further along your journey to understand "Who Am I?" from your Inner perspective. This will be a transformational time for you, in which you hear a Sacred Yes to the calling of working with THE ART OF FLOW and Chelsey Breta Moon. 

You will intuitively know when the timing is right because our energies will synchronistically align with one another. 


* Chelsey Breta Moon can offer a variety of Professional Therapy help in the Rogue Valley. Please connect with me for further information. 

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